Adam Systems
30500 State Hwy 181, Suite 462
Spanish Fort, AL 36527
(800) 331-2326 - Fax (251) 626-6198

Buy here Pay Here System (In-House Financing)

Buy Here, Pay Here

"Tracks all details of internally financed vehicle sales."

Automatically calculates interest and payoffs.
másConvenient and Easy
Add or edit loans, post transactions, print receipts, review payment history, record contact data, and more - all from one main worksheet screen.
Choose principal income calculation methods, due dates, and payment frequencies, including balloon payment options.
másReal Time Data
Displays current principal, interest, and payoff calculations.
másCustomer Database
Existing customer data is automatically entered on a new contract, and new data will update your customer database.
másUnlimited Default Templates
Create and use templates to apply certain defaults to a loan, such as late charges, principal income method, and other settings. Templates can help you manage loan portfolios.
Create pre-programmed past due letters and other types of correspondence. Print a letter for all loans or for selected loans.
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